Exhibitions are great for showing people what your company’s all about. But with so many brands competing for time and attention under one roof, you need to stand out. To do that, you’ll need more than just a logo and a few canned responses. It’s time to think outside the box! Read on to learn how to attract people to your display or exhibition stand, so you can build meaningful connections.

What makes a good exhibition stand?

Attract People to Your Exhibition Stand - A stand made by Raccoon

Exhibition stands are really just brand ambassadors, so you’ll want them to be eye-catching and professionally made. Here are some other qualities to think about when looking for exhibition stand ideas:

A clutter-free zone – Your exhibition booth or stand should be kept tidy, with enough space for in-person discussions. If you’re handing out leaflets or samples, then storage is important too. Some pop-up counters serve as containers and include shelves for easy access.

High-resolution imagery – A good design goes a long way, and you’ll need to think about size. A low-res image won’t look good as a large format print, so choose a minimum of 100dpi (dots per inch). If you own the picture as a vector file, this can be enlarged without losing quality.

Simple and welcoming – Exhibitions can be tiring. By offering a more relaxed space, you encourage attendees to come and chat of their own volition. In fact, disarming people in this way can help you get a few steps ahead of the nearby competition.

How to attract a crowd to your stand

You’ll ideally want your stand to be unique and best in show. Check out these exhibition stand ideas for inspiration.

Present a backdrop

Your exhibition display stand should be viewable from far away, at a glance. You also want it to be memorable. If you’ve only got a few branded display items for people to look at, you’re probably not going to be remembered. So, think of a bold image or motif that fits your company’s message – then print it large for all to see. Perfect for social media shots!

We offer a range of large exhibition pop-up stands. Easy to set up and take down, they’re specifically designed for use in busy event halls.

Embrace technology

If you want to grab people immediately, consider installing LED screens or light box displays. Nothing will stand out more! You could also hire touch screens to make things interactive and encourage sign-ups. Some exhibition stands even use games to get people involved. If that sounds too involved, you could always loop a short promotional video showing your values, goals, and best work.

Exhibition Stand - Using lights and technology

Excite with competitions and gifts

A spin-the-wheel competition or free prize draw is almost guaranteed to draw a crowd. Freebies will help any exhibition booth, encouraging people from all walks of life to come to you. And once they’ve started a conversation, they’re more likely to want to hear about your brand.

There’s another upside too! Prizes can be anything from notepads, stickers and cups to USB sticks – all fully branded to advertise your company.

Have fun, make it social

If you’re looking for affordable exhibition stand ideas, look no further than cutouts, standees, comedic frames and ‘Aunt Sally’ photo-ops. A good photo moment can easily turn into free advertising, as attendees share your displays on their social channels. By using props to make things fun, you encourage sharing and present your company as something different.

Hashtags, social handles and QR codes also make engagement easier. These can easily be printed on roller banners, counters and other display materials.

Theme your exhibition stand

In a room full of brands vying for attention, a little creativity can go a long way. Think about what makes you unique and how you’ll convey that in a limited space. We’ve previously built exhibition stands to look like 3D wonderlands with butterflies and toadstools, ski lodges made from sustainable Re-board, and ambitious tech displays designed to be seen from all angles.

Once you have a stand that captures the imagination, decide how staff will guide people through the experience. You could weave in demonstrations to get people invested quickly.

Take your exhibit on the road

Why limit yourself to a single event when you can take the show nationwide? With enough space to create a memorable walkthrough, an exhibition vehicle can be both a moving billboard and an immersive experience. See how BiOrbic built a sustainable exhibition to teach kids about the impact and pervasiveness of fossil fuels. 

An exhibition vehicle will empower you to visit a new town every day and potentially broaden your audience. Contrast that to exhibition halls, where success by attendance numbers.

Exhibition stands and display products made easy

With these exhibition stand ideas, you’ll be better equipped to reach clients, customers and investors. Now comes the fun part! It’s easy to begin – just browse the products in store for inspiration and pricing, then try our online designer to see your ideas in action. And with free delivery on everything, what more could you ask for?


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